The word CANTINIERE indicates the person who works in the cellar with the enologist making wine. Maurizio Farro, the founder of CANTINIERE, chose this word for the company. Maurizio was born in Naples, Italy and he comes from a family of wine producers. Both of his grandfathers were producers of wine and so is his father. Today the winery in Naples is still in business and is run by Maurizio’s cousin, Michele. Since Maurizio was little he helped his father with the wine business. At the age of ten, Maurizio was on the road with his father and his brothers delivering wine in the beautiful city of Naples. People in Naples used to call them CANTINIERI, plural for CANTINIERE. The word CANTINIERE is not only the clear description of the business but also a word that indicates the family business. The main goal of CANTINIERE is to bring the best producers of Italian wines to the United States. CANTINIERE proudly distributes in the markets of Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC.